
I've first spotted Encounters in Cat Socrates and later weeks later at Public Garden. What caught my attention of the magazine was that it was bilingual publication by Original Studio, the same group behind the travel guide to Singapore alter:sg.

Encounters features creative lifestyle and unique experiences. The book explored the conceptualisation of creative activities, documenting the stories of people, and collect beautiful things and moments from every day life and travelling. You can buy the magazine online and is now available on pdf version. A Good read that we should support !
Encounters《邂逅》是一本收录创意文化生活和人生独特经验的双语刊物, 这本刊物探索创意活动背后的构思、纪录不同人物的故事、也在日常生活和旅行中收集美丽的片刻与事物。喜欢简单的标题和四处突出的照片, 不禁会停下脚步好好阅读思考。我觉得就是要有这样的一本好书记录下来一些被人遗忘的故事。

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