Earlier on I was telling (or more like nagging) my friend Rehana that she must visit Polkaros Summer Pop Up at Sugar Town (Japan) and I must go if I am in Tokyo. Eventually Rehana didn't make it there but she sent me a postcard that make me even regretted not able to make it. Thanks to The Little Drom Store being one of my favourites, Ros came to Singapore !
Ps: Sorry for the weird size of the photos as all are taken by my iphone 6
Polkaros hand crafted pots, clay brooches, tenugui, bags, and zines together with the adorable pompoms are so hard to give it a miss. I can still remember I have a copy of her zine with the tote bag not used on my shelve. This time I am not prepare to give the pot a miss this time even though my favourite was taken and most of them in store already have an owner :D
Drom class started in the cozy little treehouse of The Little Drom Store. What could be more therapeutical to sit down and paint on a raining night. With my best creativity I sketch a Teru teru bozu (てるてる坊主), Kokeshi, Bikini girl and lastly one that i could only sketch some parts here and there but not the facial expression.
All my classmate did very well with many good ideas and their pots are all so amazingly cute. Thank you Ros and Antoinette for giving me lots of idea and I guess I must be the worst in class. I painted without any sketches and at the end of the class, my piece turned out to be "Mr. Postman" or actually I wanted it to be a mailbox.
Given the fact that I have not much talent in drawing and painting, I eventually graduated from the class. I have much fun during the 2 hours Drom Class :)
The classes have ended but the pop up will still be on till 30 November so do drop by if you keen on getting some cute stuffs as Christmas gifts.
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