对这里总是有满满的回忆, 似忽这里一点都没有变过。因为就住在附近所以这个大巴窑公园是最常来的地方。虽然穿得好像小男生但我却又会像个爱哭宝宝,可怜的妈妈一定是大伤脑筋。我想念和隔壁的大姐姐一起在公园玩躲猫猫,想念和妈妈散步拍照, 想念不爱太阳在那里哭闹,小女孩想念一切。
对这里总是有满满的回忆, 似忽这里一点都没有变过。因为就住在附近所以这个大巴窑公园是最常来的地方。虽然穿得好像小男生但我却又会像个爱哭宝宝,可怜的妈妈一定是大伤脑筋。我想念和隔壁的大姐姐一起在公园玩躲猫猫,想念和妈妈散步拍照, 想念不爱太阳在那里哭闹,小女孩想念一切。
Whimsical Shop Wonderland
I found myself lost in this little new discovery Shop Wonderland in Haji Lane. Being the retail arm of the Wonderland for Detailed Planners event agency which provides almost everything for the weddings and events, Shop Wonderland is a place I foreseen visiting often. I love the flowers bouquets, homeware, hanging lamps, scented candles, terrariums .... everything in the wonderland. Besides they are also selling My Fat Lady cupcakes in store, not all of the cupcakes are available so is your luck to see what are the available favours for the day. Extremely friendly and good services provided by them for the bouquet of flowers I've ordered for Del's birthday.
Already lost in wonderland ? Visit them and you will love them as much as I do !
53 Haji Lane
Nom Nom .... Real Food
今天和新朋友Juwind在Real Food(真食)有个重要的约会。一直都有在阅读她的部落格而越来越觉得我和她有着相同的爱好所以我就决定约她见面吃饭。 没想到两个女生好快就叽叽喳喳起来。Juwind是一个好让人佩服的女生, 别看她瘦小的身材, 一个人可是拿着大包小包到处照像只为了拍下那些旧事物。很多时候不管是身边的朋友或是陌生人都不了解为何我们一直在寻找和拍下那些旧事物, 我想我的新朋有是了解的。 真的好开心在这把年纪还认识志同道和的朋友。
真食是一间提倡用有机防无腐剂或色素的素食的咖啡厅。 在一个大空间分画了咖啡厅和食品和用品杂货店的区域。 健康的菜单和暗暗的灯光,这里真是舒服的用餐环境应该常来。
110 Killiney Road
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Cafe: R,
Central Singapore,
F // F,
Food Make Me Happy,
Location: Somerset,
Shopping // Covet,
Take A Stroll