The Random Bits No°05

Storecards from vintage furnishing, illustrator, mixed retailer ....


1. Like That One  2. By My Old School  3&4. The Little Drom Store  5. MessyMsxi  6. Stephie's Shop  7. Little Mustard Seeds  8. Soon Lee

The Random Bits No°04

Another batch of storecards found, I love the beautiful vintage design.

Vintage design storecards

The Random Bits No°03

Can't bear to recycle :'(

Cafe Storecards

Food Storecards

1. 40 Hands  2. Coccogelo  3. The Plain  4. Antoinette  5. Caramel  6. Kichn  7. Fifteen Minutes
8. Pique Nique  9. Kki  10. The Orange Thimble  11. Vanilla Bar & Cafe  12. The Handburger